
DIPSOL EZ-1208 is an excellent brightener that has well compatibility with trivalent
chromium treatment compared to in ordinary acid zinc brightener system.
It has an excellent compatibility with trivalent black chromate. Also, this brightener is
Boron free and a Trace Nitrogen Type. This brightener can also be used for a mixed bath.

ApplicationsChloride Zinc Brightener
Features●Excellent compatibility with trivalent chrome treatment, especially for black trivalent chrome.
● Boron free and a trace Nitrogen type
●Can be used for a mixed bath.
ParametersZinc Metal 20-40g/L
Total chloride 150-170g/L
EZ-1208DMA 40-60mL/L
EZ-1208DMB 0.2-0.6mL/L
pH 5.5-6.3
Temperature 30-40°C
Current Density 0.2-1.0A/dm2

商品名 法規情報 荷姿


劇物(毒物及び劇物取締法)  労働安全衛生法  りん含有製品  チッ素含有製品  危険物(消防法)