
DIPSOL Sn-239 being neutral can be safely applied on ceramic composite parts of special glasses and ferrite without any attack to substances. This solution is the most suitable for special ceramic composite parts and ferrite consisted chips.

ApplicationsPrevent Twin Plating in Bath
Features●Semi-Brighter deposit can be obtained in neutral tin
solder plating.
●Suitable for ceramics,ferrite.
●Prevents overbridging, overlapping in tin solder plating.
●Excellent solderability in solder plating.
ParametersSn-239MS Undiluted
Sn-239S 5mL/L
pH 4.0~5.0
Temperature 20~26°C
Current Density 0.05~0.2A/dm2

商品名 法規情報 荷姿


劇物(毒物及び劇物取締法)  労働安全衛生法  りん含有製品  チッ素含有製品  危険物(消防法)